God Wants You To Be Blessed


Deuteronomy 30:19 I call heaven and earth to record this day against you, that I have set before you life and death, blessing and cursing: therefore choose life, that both thou and thy seed may live:

Here He tells the children of Israel that they have a choice, but they must choose, either life or death then choose blessing or cursing. I think we all would say we would choose life and blessing. You may say I just don’t see the blessings in life. We have so many blessings day to day that we take them for granted. Blessings aren’t always a large gift or some miraculous thing that occurs in our life. It is a blessing to have another breath of oxygen that our bodies must have to survive, also the food we have to eat, the clothes we have, homes, families and the list goes on and on. But the greatest blessing that is afforded us is the gift of salvation, which comes only by and thru our Lord Jesus Christ. If you are saved you are blessed. If you are reading this and you are not saved you have not chosen life or blessing, but in fact without Jesus you have death and curses in your future.

Choose to be blessed.

Genesis 12:3 And I will bless them that bless thee, and curse him that curseth thee: and in thee shall all families of the earth be blessed.

Stay blessed. The passage in Genesis 12:3 is speaking of Abraham and the nation of Israel. This promised blessing still stands today. The nations that hate the nation of Israel are in much disarray. Many look like a pile of rubble, I believe that this is due to their cursing of Israel, and rejection of the one true and living God Jehovah. When our nation turns on Israel and according to scripture all nations will, we will become what we see in some of these countries, cursed.

Numbers 6:24 The LORD bless thee, and keep thee:

25 The LORD make his face shine upon thee, and be gracious unto thee:

26 The LORD lift up his countenance upon thee, and give thee peace.

This passage is known as Aaron’s blessing, It was given to him by God to bestow on the people. He still blesses and keeps us, He is gracious unto us, and He looks on us and gives us peace. When trouble comes your way Christian, look to this passage for peace and comfort.

Have a blessed day!!!