Breaking Up Fallow Ground
Hosea 10:12 Sow to yourselves in righteousness, reap in mercy; break up your fallow ground: for it is time to seek the LORD, till he come and rain righteousness upon you.
You cannot sow seed in ground that is unprepared, nor can you sow bad seed and expect good crops. Hosea tells us to sow righteousness to our selves. This means we need to put righteousness in our selves so that we can reap a good crop. If you or I have unrighteousness in our lives and stay in unrighteousness we cannot harvest fruit for the kingdom.
Then he says to break up our fallow ground,. Fallow ground is unplowed or neglected ground that has been left alone for a year or more. We must break up or plow that ground in order to prepare it for planting. This also has a spiritual application as we need to break up the spiritually neglected things in our life. Maybe we have areas of our lives that we are neglecting to our spiritual detriment. We need to break those up and be able to do what we need to do for the Lord.
Then he says it is time to seek the Lord, if ever there was a time that we need to seek the Lord it is the day we are living in. It seems that evil men wax worse on a daily basis. Paul wrote to Timothy and told him this very thing that evil men will was worse and worse. If that was the case in Paul’s day how much the more today. We need to seek the Lord with our whole being every day, so that we will be able to stand against the wickedness of the world today.
Finally he tells us that if we will “seek the Lord till he come, and rain righteousness upon you”. This is Old Testament and they were looking for the coming of Messiah and He was righteousness and rained upon them but the Jews for the most part did not or would not accept Him to be the Son of God. But today we are looking for His coming back for His church and when He comes He will rain righteousness upon those that are His. When He takes us to Heaven all will be righteous and there will be no wickedness or evil, there all will be perfect. But we have to belong to him in order to go to Heaven. As my pastor Bro Mike McCoy often says you won’t just fall into heaven. You will go by faith in Jesus Christ and His death, burial and resurrection.
So friend we must sow the right seed, righteousness, break up our fallow ground, neglected spiritual matters in our life, seek the Lord and we will be showered with the righteousness of the Lord.
Have a great day!