Don't Be Deceived
Galatians 6:7 Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap.
I fear today many are deceived and are mocking God. People will say they believe in God and will even claim to be Christians, but their actions toward His word says otherwise. It seems thatseeing and hearing what I have in my lifetime is only growing worse with each passing day. Just this week I saw a program, actually a game show, that asked the question what you can you have in Heaven as much of and as often as you want. The answers given were absurd. These folks thought they knew about Heaven but in reality they didn’t know anything about it or the holiness of the one whose throne is there. One answer given was you could have a new significant other anytime you wanted; another was a new car every week and so on. Be sure, according to the Holy Bible, there will be no marrying or giving in marriage in Heaven and there sure won’t be any shacking up. There will be nothing there that is made by man’s hands except the scars in Jesus’ hands, feet and side. I hear people, politicians and the like make claims that they believe in the Lord then out of the same mouth comes cursings and approval of things God calls an abomination. Be sure God has not changed. Don’t be deceived just because man says something is ok does not make it right in God’s sight
James 3:10 Out of the same mouth proceedeth blessing and cursing. My brethren, these things ought not so to be.
11 Doth a fountain send forth at the same place sweet water and bitter?
America was founded on the freedom of religion and that religion was the Christian faith. But in this day it seems that every other so called religion is given more heed than the true religion which is faith in God through his darling Son Jesus Christ. Ours is a religion of love not killing as many of the others are. People say we hate certain people because of our stance on sin, which is further from the truth than they can imagine. If we didn’t love them we would be silent and never say a word about what is wrong. But, we want them to come to the knowledge of sin and come to a loving Savior who will save them from their sin. Then men will say you are judging me, friend I am not judging if I am telling you what the Bible says not what I think, but¸ what the Lord said.
Psalm 9:17 The wicked shall be turned into hell, and all the nations that forget God.
This verse explains why we should boldly speak against sin. If we can save one person from the torments of Hell it is worth it all. The last part of the verse says the nations that forget God will also be doomed to Hell. I see our country going headlong in this direction. There is a remnant that still believes and lives according to God’s word. The nation, for the most part, is going down a slippery slope to destruction. Need proof?
Many are more concerned with the killing a dog more than they are killing babies. This
just one example there are many more. But I saw one this week that put me back on myheels. It said that a homosexual (which God calls an abomination) would beat any candidate that runs for the office of President of the United States of America. Think about that for a little bit. I know we have had leaders before that were not all they should have been but never has one garnered this kind of press that was an abomination. I wonder if we have gone so far that He is going to bring judgment on America. Wake up America!!!!!!!!!! Many are being deceived by men that are trying to say that God’s word is not relevant today, don’t be deceived stay with Christ and what the Lord has said.
Have a great day!!