Acts 26:28 Then Agrippa said unto Paul, Almost thou persuadest me to be a Christian.
Paul was preaching to King Agrippa and telling him things that Paul knew the king already had heard and knew. But as Paul was finishing, Agrippa said that Paul almost persuaded him to be a Christian. But being almost persuaded is still to be lost. Many are the ones that have left services where the Lord had moved on people and they knew they needed to be saved but they just were almost saved. To be almost saved is to be totally lost. If the Holy Ghost can’t draw one to Christ, all the eloquent words of man will not be able to draw them to Christ. Agrippa was close but close doesn’t count. There is an old saying that says close only counts in horseshoes and hand grenades, which is true.
Moses almost got to go into the Promised Land, but because of disobedience he only got to view it from the mountain. Moses almost went in but he didn’t. Ater all he had been through he didn’t walk into the land of promise. He missed it simply by disobeying what God told him to do.
Judas Iscariot was a disciple that had followed Jesus for over three years, yet his heart was on riches instead of being on Jesus. Judas even kissed the door of Heaven and was almost saved but was not.
The rich young ruler came to Jesus wanting to know what to do to have eternal life. When Jesus told him to sell what he had and give to the poor he left sorrowful because he was wealthy and did not want to give it up. He almost had eternal life but he was not willing to do what was required of him. He was almost saved but riches stood in his way.
Many today are like this rich young ruler. They want to be saved and escape Hell but they just aren’t willing to do what is required, which is not really that much. You have to believe in the Lord Jesus Christ and confess that faith openly. Many let walking down an aisle keep them back, many let giving up their old lifestyle keep them from being saved, others have one thing or another that keeps them back. They are almost saved because the Lord has dealt with their hearts or else they would not be thinking about salvation.
Some today have been to service by the Lord and they refuse. They might have done great works for the kingdom, but they are afraid of stepping out on faith and letting the Lord do with them what He wants. They almost did great works but in the end did not.
Don’t be an almost. Heed His call and serve Him with all your heart.
Have a great day