

Revelation 2:10 Fear none of those things which thou shalt suffer: behold, the devil shall cast some of you into prison, that ye may be tried; and ye shall have tribulation ten days: be thou faithful unto death, and I will give thee a crown of life.

Jesus told the church of Smyrna that they would have tribulation, some would be put in prison, but, He exhorted them to be faithful unto or until death. Today we are expected to be faithful till we die as well. We aren’t being persecuted in America today, although that may not be true for long. Are we faithful in the midst of blessings? I’m talking about the Christians, the saved, the blood washed, are we really faithful to our Lord? I’m afraid for many today the answer is no. Years ago I heard Adrian Rogers say something along these lines that we are cursed with blessings and that will lead to being blessed with curses. I fear that we have gotten so used to the goodness of God that we have taken it for granted and are living for the blessings instead of the blessor.

I was reading this week, in an older book, that stated that “Christians” considered attending 3 services a month as a faithful church member. Let’s see, 4 weeks in a month our congregation meets for Sunday School, Sunday morning worship, Sunday night worship and Wednesday night prayer meeting and worship. That is 4 services a week, 4 weeks a month for a total of 16 services. Then we say attending 3 is faithful. Just how long could you keep a job with 18.75% attendance record or how about a spouse, how would they feel if you only showed up at home 18.75% of the time. In 2013 Pew Research Center said 37% of “Christians” attend church on a weekly basis. Faithful?

Lest you think I put all my apples in the church attendance basket, lets talk about reading the Bible. In 2016 LifeWay did a survey on how often Christians read their Bibles. Only 32% read scripture everyday, 27% a few times a week, 12% once a week, the numbers go down from there till the rarely or never crowd which is 12%, Faithful?

Prayer studies show that more than half of “Christians” surveyed prayed at least once a day. While studies vary from 55% to 74% that is a better percentage than church attendance and bible study.

But as scripture shows us there are other things we must be faithful in doing.

John 14:15 If ye love me, keep my commandments.

This is not a request it is a directive, “keep my commandments”. That would be faithful would it not?

Scripture tells us if we are faithful in small things we are faithful in much.

Luke 16:10 He that is faithful in that which is least is faithful also in much: and he that is unjust in the least is unjust also in much.

Be faithful!

Have a great day