God's Handywork
Psalm19:1 The heavens declare the glory of God; and the firmament sheweth his handywork.
Have you ever been outside on a clear night and just looked up at the sky and the stars? When I was young, a lot of nights, I would get a chair and get out away from the house and just sit and look at the heavens for long periods of time, just simply looking at all that was above our earth. At that time I wasn’t saved but since I have been saved the heavens have taken on a whole new meaning. Just to think that God hung each star and planet and He did it to show His Glory. I used to fish a lot at night and when you are out on the lake the stars seem so much closer to you, I guess because there isn’t a lot of light between you and what you are looking at. I have seen so many shooting stars and realize that they didn’t fall by chance. The heavens, in fact, do declare the glory of God.
We are nearly at the end of the fall foliage, some places are still colorful. They also declare God’s glory. It has been called God’s coloring book. But to a lost world they have no clue that it is God that makes all this beauty. Sometimes we as Christians take for granted that the heavens and the beauty all around is from God and it shows His glory and power. Let’s never take for granted God’s creation as we enjoy all of its benefits.
Have a great day!