Is Jesus In The House


Mark 2:1 And again he entered into Capernaum after some days; and it was noised that he was in the house.

2 And straightway many were gathered together, insomuch that there was no room to receive them, no, not so much as about the door: and he preached the word unto them.t

The word got out that Jesus was in the house. People gathered in and the house was full, there was not any room for anyone else, not even around the door. We find that everywhere that people knew where Jesus was, He drew a large crowd. I know Jesus is not here on earth today in a physical body, but His spirit is here. Why are we not seeing our churches full today? Football stadiums are full, gymnasiums are full, as well as race tracks and many other places. But many of our churches are sitting empty or nearly empty.

I am afraid that in many cases Jesus is not in our churches. The world has just as much to offer as the church of today. I know that He is in many of our churches today because the people are coming and people are being saved. Many places just go through the motions every time they meet and Jesus is not part of the motions. They don’t want any singing, praying or preaching that gets in the way of their plans. I had not been preaching long when I was asked to take part in a revival meeting with three other preachers. It was in January when you don’t have revivals in this area, but we had great crowds and the meeting went on for an extra week, souls were saved every night except the last night of the meeting. The invitation service lasted longer than the singing and preaching and no one complained. Do you know why? Jesus was in the house.

I can remember at a very young age being at a funeral for my great uncle and the house being full and as many people being outside as were inside. I can’t remember what the preacher preached but I remember him preaching, not telling stories and it was a long funeral I thought for it was really hot and this was long before air conditioning in churches. I believe Jesus was in the house that day. I remember also a few years ago revival broke out in a church in an adjoining county and the church was on fire and people were coming from all around and souls were being saved in a great numbers. My wife and I decided to go some said we needed to get there a little early to get a seat. We arrived an hour before it started and just barely got a parking spot and had to sit in chairs they had set out. There was something different there you could feel when you walked in and oh my what a service, Jesus was truly in the house.

I present this question to you, is Jesus in your house (your body), in your home, in your church services? If yes is the answer we should be seeing things happen in our lives, homes and churches. Think about it.

Have a great day