Have Faith In God

Mark 11:22 And Jesus answering saith unto them, Have faith in God.

Jesus was speaking to Peter here about a fig tree He had cursed the day before because it showed that it had fruit but it didn’t. Peter was fascinated that the tree had withered away though he shouldn’t have been for he had heard Jesus curse the tree. We read God’s word but I wonder do we really believe God and what He has told us in his word? Do we really have faith in God or do we just say that? I wonder at times if we don’t have more faith in a man, a building or even a denomination than we do God. You know we can say anything but our actions really show what’s in the heart.

I know God can do anything at any time, but it is His will that will be done. Just because I ask for something and pray for it and know God can do it does not mean it will be done. I have faith in God, but I also have faith in His will and know that is what will be done.

I have stood by the bedside of a dying saint and ask God if it be His will to heal them and I know He could get them up out of the bed. But I have only seen that happen one time. The doctor said at 7 am that this one would be gone by afternoon that everything was shutting down and if there was any family that wasn’t close by to contact them We did and I went to the airport to pick up her brother. By the time we got back to the hospital, just a little after noon, expecting to find her dead or near death. But that was not at all what we found. She was sitting up in bed eating lunch. The doctor himself said that there was not anything that man had done but that the “great doctor” had come in the room. By the way she lived 10 more years. So yes I have faith in God but I have more faith in His will.

What about you where is your faith today? Is it in God or in something else? I would recommend we heed Jesus words and have faith in God.

Have a great day