

Proverbs 18:10 The name of the LORD is a strong tower, the righteous runneth into it, and is safe.

We live in a different world today than what I grew up in, It is a world where nothing is seemingly safe and nothing is sure. A of couple things are sure, death and taxes. But being safe is something else. We can be saved from sin and from the awful place called hell, but, we are not safe in this world, only when we get to heaven will we be safe. Don’t misunderstand me we are saved in this life when we believe in Christ Jesus and confess him. We are saved by faith, but, our mortal bodies are not safe in this world. We face sickness, hurt, heartaches and death here. But when we see Jesus we will be safe for ever. I hope you have run to the LORD for His salvation that only He can give, if so when you cross over to the other side you will be safe at last.

I heard this old song at a revival a few weeks ago and the chorus stirred my soul and gave me the thought I have tried to share today. The song is He Will Hold My Hand.

Here is the first verse and chorus:

Some day when I’ve traveled my last mile here.

The call will be coming for me;

I’ll enter the lifeboat that will be near

To carry me over the sea.


He’ll hold to my hand

As over death’s river I go

Then safe I shall be

In beautiful heaven I know.

Thankful to know that we will be safe in Heaven, aren’t you? That’s just another reason to want to go there. Do you know you are going? If not you can be sure, if you are not saved you will not be safe in eternity. Think about that.

Have a great day!