
Luke 5:5 And Simon answering said unto him, Master, we have toiled all the night, and have taken nothing: nevertheless at thy word I will let down the net.

Jesus uses Peter’s boat to preach from in order to get a space between the crowd, to where He could speak to them and make it eaiser for them to hear. Then when He finishes speaking He tells Simon Peter to let down his net for a draught. Peter tells Jesus that they had been fishing all night and had not caught anything. You know that he had to be tired, weary and disappointed that they had not caught anything all night. I know I am disappointed when I go fishing and don’t catch anything and I’m just going for the sport of it. Peter was fishing because it was his occupation and his livelihood depended on catching fish. But Peter told Jesus because you have said to, I will let down the net. And he caught more fish than the nets could hold and they began to break. They called for others to come and help them and they did and had so many fish that the ships began to sink. Jesus took what had been a disappointment and turned it into a great blessing for Peter and his partners.

We all have disappointments in our lives. Sometimes they are big and then again they are little disappointments. As a preacher I feel disappointment when I try my best to give the word out and no one moves or responds in any way. I know I’m not alone in this area for I talk with other preachers that experience the same disappointment. But we can’t make people respond. All we can do is give out the Word of God and let the Holy Ghost do the rest. We must remember that people aren’t rejecting us, for the most part, they are rejecting God. But we are flesh and blood and we get disappointed.

Circumstances in life can be disappointing as well. Just the other day I attempted to go to the graduation of a young man that means a lot to my wife and myself. We left in what we thought was plenty of time, got to the venue 45 minutes before it was to start, only to find that we were going to have to park aprox 2 miles away. I could not have walked that far and got in and got a seat before it started. To say we were disappointed is an understatement. I felt like we had disappointed him, but in fact had we not have told him he would have never known we weren’t there.

I don’t like disappointment, but, even more I hate the thought of disappointing others. I especially don’t want to disappoint my Lord after all He has done for me but I am afraid that I do disappoint Him in things that I do and those that I don’t do. I don’t like the thoughts of doing that. I don’t want to disappoint my church family but I know that the best I can do I still disappoint them. Believe me I don’t get up in the morning with the thought or intent of disappointing the Lord or my fellow brothers and sisters in Christ. I pray that you don’t either.

Remember Christ can take our disappointments and turn them into blessings if we will as Peter said “at thy word” do what He commands.

Have a great day!!!!