God Is Compassionate

God is Compassionate

Lamentations 3:21This I recall to my mind, therefore have I hope.

22 It is of the LORD'S mercies that we are not consumed, because his compassions fail not.

23 They are new every morning: great is thy faithfulness

Although it is not recorded that Jeremiah wrote Lamentations there is little doubt that he was the author. He had sounded a warning for Israel telling them that judgment was coming, and they would not heed the warning and repent. At the time of this writing Israel was in captivity and having a rough time. In our scripture he gives hope that in the midst of trouble and trials God is faithful.

In verse 21 the writer says he remembers all the bad and still has hope. If you are in Christ today it doesn’t matter what kind of trial or trouble that has come your way you too can have hope. Many people say all hope is lost, can I give you some good news, as long as God is on his throne there is hope.

In verse 22 we are told that because of the Lord’s mercies we are not consumed because his compassion fails not. The Lord mercies protect us, simply because He is compassionate and it will not fail. In Psalm 136 we are told in all 26 verses of the chapter that God’s mercy endureth forever.

Psalm 136:23 Who remembered us in our low estate: for his mercy endureth for ever:

In verse 23 we are told that they, the Lord’s mercies and compassions are new every morning. Not that it is a different thing but they are fresh and alive. Isn’t that a great thought that your trouble or trial may seem worse, but God’s compassion and mercy is just as it was the day before and if you can look at His goodness and grace it will bring hope and help to your situation. The verse ends with great is thy faithfulness. Friend, God is faithful, never changing and all powerful. He is the one you can count on when you can’t count on anyone else.

My wife went through a hard season in her life a few years ago and these 3 verses were her go to verses during this time. She found conformation that the Lord was with her and that He had compassion and mercy that was fresh every day and it was available to her. Friend, if you are going through a trial it matters to the Lord and if you will rest in Him and His mercy and compassion you can find peace in your hour of need. Because great is His faithfulness.

Have a great day