Have You Purposed In Your Heart To Do Anything?


Daniel 1:8 But Daniel purposed in his heart that he would not defile himself with the portion of the king's meat, nor with the wine which he drank: therefore he requested of the prince of the eunuchs that he might not defile himself.

Here the king had appropriated what he ate for the chosen of the children of Israel. But Daniel asked the eunuch who had care over Daniel, Hanaiah, Mishael and Azariah to feed them pulse and water. According to Strong’s pulse is a vegetable, while many say it is a bean or type of legume. The king had a richer and more extravagant diet than vegetables also he drank wine. But Daniel purposed in his heart not to defile himself with this food and drink. He wanted to stay separate from the king’s ways and to stay faithful to God.

There are many things in the world today that we should purpose in our hearts to stay apart from. I wonder how many of us have purposed in our hearts to do certain things or maybe not to do things we know we should to not be of the world but followers of the Lord. I fear we have weak and sickly churches today because we have not purposed in our hearts to be separated from the world. Many today go along with the world in order not to rock the boat or call attention to themselves.

Many have never purposed to be committed to their church, to be there every time there are services, Sunday morning, Sunday evening, Wednesday prayer meeting, revivals and special services. Some have never purposed to be faithful in giving to their church. There are those that are not committed to reading Scripture and praying regularly.

It would do us all well to purpose in our hearts (or determine in ourselves) to follow the Lord more closely everyday.

Have a great day