
Ephesians 5:16 Redeeming the time, because the days are evil.

Paul tells the church at Ephesus to redeem the time, or as we might say make good use of the time. Why? Because the days are evil. If they were evil in Paul’s day how much the more today? We all have the same 24 hours, 60 minutes or a total of 1440 minutes in a day. But what do we do with the time we have? Some people cannot do a lot due to illness, but even in that many of them spend more time in prayer than us that are up and around everyday. Sometimes we need to have a checkup on our spiritual lives, if we will be honest I fear we are failing to use the time we have in the best way. Here are a few areas we all need to look at and be honest of how much time we spend daily in each area.

Prayer_________ Bible Reading-Study_________Talking with others abut Jesus______

Watching TV______ Reading Secular Material________ Computer-Cell Phone______

Recreation________ Family_______________Other__________ answer in minutes. I fear my list is upside down of what it should be and yours may not be but I will make a guess we are all not focusing our time on the main things.

Paul wrote to the Romans that it was high time to awake, knowing the time. We can look around us and see how bad things are in the world. We must know that we are living in the last of time. It maybe closer to midnight than we realize.

Romans 13:11 And that, knowing the time, that now it is high time to awake out of sleep: for now is our salvation nearer than when we believed.

In saying it was high time to awake I believe Paul was telling us we need to use the time we have for the kingdom and not on ourselves. I know that we all need a time of refreshing but I fear we spend way too much time on that and not nearly as much time on things of the Lord.

We are not promised a certain amount of time so we, or should I say I, should use my time wisely. I am seeing a lot of people that are leaving this walk of life that are very young. It doesn’t matter how much time you have but how you use it. Make every minute count.

Have a great day.